01 4503452

Ogham Range Covid Sign In Register Book. GDPR Compliant

Part Number:


GDPR Confidential Covid Sign-In Book



  • Visiting or Reason
  • Date
  • Time IN and Time OUT
  • Phone Number
  • Temparature and Feedback

To ensure this book lasts a long time, the reusable plush executive folder may also be bought at the same time. To secure it in place, the front cover of this book is simply slid into the clear holder on the inside front cover of this folder


Size: A4 (210mm x 297)

Each Sheet is made up of three sheets of Carbon Paper so your text is transferrred from the top page to the bottom page of the set.

Top Sheet is White with block out Printed for GDPR.

Second page is a Tinted Sheet that keeps the Signeture Secure from being read.

Third Sheet is White without any blockout text.

All the pages are glued on the four edges of the paper to form a secure enclosed 3 way paper set.







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